It was my pleasure to redesign the website for Seattle Girls Choir. They were ready to turn their old-school boxy layout into a more modern full page spread with a simple clean layout. I always enjoy digging into the inner workings of a site that was designed by an earlier web developer because I learn a lot by seeing how they constructed things. I left much of their functionality in place and cleaned up some antiquated code. The old theme dovetailed nicely with the theme I like to use. I was fortunate in the fact that they provided me with very professional photos and a logo designed by a skilled graphic artist on their team.
Snow Lion School Website Upgrade
Snow Lion School has been one of my oldest and most loyal clients for many years. I designed this site back in 2012 and built it in Dreamweaver, coding and styling every page myself. It’s amazing that it was still running smoothly and with no glitches seven years later. This client was ready to migrate the site to a newer platform to ensure it would be responsive and able to continue performing flawlessly. I rebuilt the whole site on WordPress and was able to modernize it a bit while keeping the same general layout which we still love.
Friends of BCSIS Website
This is another of my favorite websites. I was given total creative license to design this fun website for an elementary school, Boulder Community School of Integrated Studies. I love the vibrant spectrum of color and I even taught myself how to assign a different hue to each menu button. I created the banner headline in Photoshop and gave it the same palette as the menu and the five square buttons below the photo. Believe it or not, it wasn’t until after I had built this homepage that I found the photograph in a collection of images by the talented Kirsten Boyer and knew that it would be perfect in this layout. I learned all sorts of new things for this site, such as how to embed a video onto a page, how to set up a PayPal button and how to incorporate a calendar of current events.